
My name is Dr Katalin Antalffy, I am a neonatologist. I graduated with a medical degree at the University of Debrecen in 2002. After graduation I moved to the USA with my husband where we worked in research for four years.

Dr. Antalffy Katalin

After moving home I completed residency and during it I spent 6 months in Scotland at a neonatal intesive care unit. I completed my paediatric training in 2014. Then returned to Scotland and completed my neonatal training in Aberdeen. Passed my specialty exam in 2018 in Budapest.

Balanda rendelő

According to family legend when I was 5 years old I told my mum that I will be a doctor and I will help with babies birth. My mum told me I need to be an obstetrics to be able to do that. As an accountant she was not aware that there was other option. While other kids were playing with their Teddy bears I was treating him.

Kids always played a central role in my life and it felt complete when our own kids were born. We are raising two children with my husband.
I am looking forward to meet you and your children in case you need any help regarding their health.






1992-1996Debreceni Egyetem Kossuth Lajos Gyakorló Gimnáziuma
1996-2002Debreceni Egyetem Orvos és Egészségtudományi Centrum, ÁOK
2014Semmelweis Egyetem Budapest, Gyermekgyógyász szakvizsga
2018Semmelweis Egyetem Budapest, Neonatológia szakvizsga


9/2021 -Neonatológus szakorvos, Szülészet, Duna Medical Center, Budapest
10/2018 - 9/2022Neonatológus szakorvos, Erzsébet Kórház, Sopron
11/2015 - 7/2018Specialty Doctor Neonatal Unit,Aberdeen Maternity Hospital, Aberdeen, Scotland
11/2014 - 11/2015Gyermekgyógyász szakorvos, Erzsébet Kórház, Sopron
12/2011 - 11/14Szakorvos jelölt, Erzsébet Kórház, Sopron
06/2011-12/2011Clinical Fellow in Neonates, NNU, AMH, Aberdeen, Scotland
2010 - 2011Orvos, Magyar Gyermekmentő Alapítvány, Győr
2008 - 2011Rezidens, Erzsébet Kórház, Sopron
2007 - 2008Szülési szabadság
2006 - 2007Rezidens, Gyermekklinika, Debreceni Egyetem Orvos és Egészségtudományi Centrum
2003 - 2006Associate Research Scientist, Cardiovascular Biology Research Program, Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, Oklahoma City, OK, USA Principal Investigator: Naomi L. Esmon
2002 - 2003Szülési szabadság
2002Orvosi Diploma


Bayley III kurzus, 2021 Budapest
NLS (Newborn Life Support) 2018 Edinburgh, UK
Neonatal Ventilation Course 2017, Cambridge, UK
NRP (Neonatal Resuscitation Program) 2011,2015,2017, Aberdeen, Scotland
Neonatal Cranial Ultrasound Course: The essentials 2016, London, UK
EPLS (European Paediatric Life Support) 2010, Budapest
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